回复 :Amidst her ongoing struggle with cancer, Betty and her partner Mark embark on a final journey with the intent of carrying out a suicide pact. Initially united by love, impending doom strains their bond, turning them against each other.
回复 :Celebrity cat owners and online experts explore how the humble house cat has captured hearts and imaginations to become pop culture icons and the darlings of the Internet.
回复 :咸丰八年的浙江绍兴,一条乌蓬船上坐着一位年轻英俊、踌躇满志的青年人,他就是去县城应试秀才的青年孔少成。途中,孔少成遇见去县城应考的丁举人的儿子丁家昌。孔、丁两家世代素有怨仇,此刻,两船在河中相撞,丁家昌与孔少成同时落水,在河里冲突起来……