回复 :素英(申恩庆 饰)是个产科医师,和做建筑师的丈夫智锡(郑俊浩 饰)庆祝结婚十周年纪念日时,偶然发现丈夫有了隐藏得很好的外遇。素英大为光火,她悄悄调查丈夫的公司,了解到其外遇对象是个年轻实习生秀智(沈仁英 饰),便开始用“姐姐”的姿态接近这个女孩。素英带着秀智出去玩,耐 心倾听她心底的秘密,很快让小女孩打开心防,视她为唯一知己,爱上已婚男人的忧虑也和盘托出,素英一面和女孩周旋,一面和智锡提出分居,实际只是欲擒故纵的手段。计划看似完美,智锡开始觉得秀智任性,同时不想失去自己的老婆,就在智锡快要回心转意的当口,秀智却发现自己怀孕了。整个过程中目睹男人软弱和犹豫的素英也动摇了,似乎单纯的秀智更加让她心生怜悯……
回复 :影片的主人公巴兰曾经是库尔德独立战争中的英雄,后在首府埃尔比勒担任警长。然而巴兰感到自己在和平年代毫无用武之地,他打算退隐,并且同意在位于和伊朗、土耳其、伊拉克交界处的一座小山谷里驻守。这一带犯罪活动猖獗,是非法贩卖毒品、药品以及酒精活动的中心。巴兰来到这里之后,他拒绝向当地的地头蛇阿加(Aga Azzi)妥协。巴兰还遇见了当地的女乡村教师葛文德,两个人之间产生了爱慕之情。葛文德同样受到当地乡民们的排挤。就像巴兰一样,葛文德代表了另外一种秩序,一种由新生的,独立自主的库尔德国家赋予的秩序。作为一名单身的女子,葛文德的处境要比巴兰危险得多。
回复 :Though several actors portray Elvis Presley at different stages of his life, this documentary is comprised mostly of actual performance footage and interviews with Elvis, his fans and those close to him. His arrival on the national scene ,in 1956, is highlighted by clips from "Stage Show", "The Milton Berle Show" and "The Ed Sullivan Show". Scenes from several of his 33 films are highlighted including his screen debut in "Love Me Tender" (1956) and the critically acclaimed "King "Creole"(1958), his last film prior to a 2 year hitch in the military. From 1960-68 he kept busy by making films and soundtrack albums, as well as some Gospal albums. After an absence of almost 9 years from live performing, Elvis returned in 1968 to do a TV Special titled "Elvis" and in 1969 performed in Las Vegas for the first time since 1956. His Vegas appearances, along with his nation wide concert tours, continued for the remainder of his career. A clip from his 1973 TV Special,"Elvis Aloa", is featured. Telecast from Hawaii, it was the first concert to be televised live by satellite around the world.We also see footage from his last TV Special, "Elvis in Concert", which was taken from his final 1977 tour