  时间:2024-10-22 19:39:29

欧美It is Friday night and five friends gather at a house in rural Australia. Their parents are out of town and it is time to celebrate the end of another school week. No big deal; just a few drinks, a few laughs. As the night grows later, the teens reach a state of alcohol-induced openness. They reveal secrets, crushes and an unintentionally cruel streak. The final year of high school can be paradoxical. Having found some passions and close friends, you often begin to understand your own identity for the first time. And yet, still so young, you can't deny that you've so much to learn about yourself and the world. Maybe, despite thirteen straight years of schooling, you kind of don't know anything. A tribute to an awkward phase that we have all made it through and have powerful memories of, About An Age is a nostalgic coming-of-age film. With charm and authenticity, it examines themes of responsibility, first love and the passing of time via one single evening shared by a group of playful mates.




回复 :JERUSALEM takes audiences on an inspiring and eye-opening tour of one of the worlds oldest and most enigmatic cities. Destroyed and rebuilt countless times over 5000 years, Jerusalems enduring appeal remains a mystery. What made it so important to so many different cultures? How did it become the center of the world for three major religions? Why does it still matter to us?JERUSALEM attempts to answer these questions by following three young Jerusalemites and their families Jewish, Christian and Muslim. Through their eyes, audiences will learn what it means to call Jerusalem home, and experience celebrations and events that mark the high points of a year in the life of the city.JERUSALEM will also follow archaeologists, Dr. Jodi Magness and Dr. Nazmi al-Jubeh, as they explore some of the most extraordinary historical sites in the region in order to better understand this crossroads of civilization.JERUSALEM seeks to build trust and respect between Jews, Christians and Muslims by showcasing their common heritage and inspiring them, and the public, to better understand each other. Audiences will gain a completely unique perspective of a part of the world that captivates the imagination of billions of people.JERUSALEM's producers include multiple Oscar winner, Jake Eberts (Gandhi, Dances With Wolves, The Killing Fields), and Taran Davies (Journey to Mecca), and George Duffield (The End of the Line). Daniel Ferguson (Lost Worlds, Wired to Win: Surviving the Tour de France) is writer, director and producer. Dominic Cunningham Reid (Journey to Mecca) is executive producer.



回复 :罗杰(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant 饰)是个平凡的广告商人,最近却莫名其妙的惹了一身的麻烦——他被别人错认成一名叫“凯普林”的人,还被人灌醉放进车中,意图造成车毁人亡,命大的罗杰却顺利逃过这一劫。这个离奇的经历让罗杰又后怕又好奇,为了证明自己的清白,他非要找出真正的 “凯普林”不可。噩运在纠缠罗杰。他一路设法摆脱追杀,一边千里追踪凯普林的线索。他跳上了一趟开往芝加哥的列车,车上巧遇娇娃坎多(爱娃·玛丽·森特 Eva Marie Saint 饰),愿意助他一臂之力。眼看就快可以约见凯普林,事情却又起了波澜——他不但没有见到凯普林,还随之陷入了又一场危机当中。真相越来越扑朔迷离,拉什莫山的总统雕像,也成了一场生死搏斗的大舞台。



回复 :一场意外让宾虚(拉蒙·诺瓦罗 Ramon Novarro 饰)沦为了可以被随意买卖的奴隶,他被卖到了一艘兵舰上,成为了一名水手。某日,兵舰遭遇海盗的袭击,就在这生死存亡的紧要关头,身强体壮的宾虚成功挽救了兵舰司令官的性命,司令官感谢宾虚的救命之恩,不仅赋予了他自由,还将其收为养子。之后,宾虚成为了一名角斗士,在竞技场里的英勇表现很快便为他赢得了名声与荣誉,然而,他的扶摇直上亦遭到了旧有梅瑟拉(弗朗西斯X·布什曼 Francis X. Bushman 饰)的妒忌。梅瑟拉提出要和宾虚来一场战车竞赛,实则想要暗害宾虚,没想到奸计没有得逞,自己的战车却翻倒在地。



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