回复 :你还记得《纪念册》里的朋友吗?这个系列将带你回到2000年初,以及Phob和Nut之间的深层联系。当他们两个答应一起追寻梦想的时候。不幸的是,有人没有遵守承诺,这导致了分歧。他们之间只剩下痛苦。最后,他们分开了。四年后,年鉴带来了一个朋友带着一些真相回来了。最终,他们的友谊、亲密 和梦想将再次回归,或者他们必须面对现实,并将一切作为回忆留在纪念册中。
回复 :Sarah Phelps’ gripping drama tells the story of World War One’s front line medics – their hopes, fears, triumphs and tragedies. The tented field hospital in which they work is a frontier; between the battlefield and home front, but also between the old rules, hierarchies and a new way of thinking.Oona Chaplin (The Hour, Quantum Of Solace), Hermione Norris (Spooks, Cold Feet), Suranne Jones (Scott And Bailey, The Secret Of Crickley Hall), Kevin Doyle (Downton Abbey, Scott And Bailey), Kerry Fox (Shallow Grave, An Angel At My Table) and Marianne Oldham (WPC 56) star as the dedicated team of doctors, nurses and women volunteers working together to help the sick and injured.Together they embody an attitude of endurance, supreme courage and hope. Above any enmities or rivalries, they will all come to share a common bond as they experience the horror, the danger, the adrenalin, the joys and, most of all, the death-defying intoxication of simply being alive in the face of mortal danger.
回复 :十二年前,几桩杀人案轰动了全市,被害者均为社会底层,尸体均在荒废偏僻处被发现。据推测凶手可能是同一人,但由于其极为狡猾,案情一时非常棘手。刑警通过不懈的调查取证,逐步确认了主要嫌疑犯,刑警凌斌在与女儿凌然的一次会面的路上,对疑犯进行了追捕,最终因公殉职。十二年后,凌斌的女儿凌然(余男 饰)在刑警支队技术科的测谎中心工作,她利用测谎技术成功破了几个大案而小有名气。刑警支队重案组组长陈虎(邢家栋 饰)与她搭档,两人虽在刑侦破案方面有着不同理念,却也颇有默契,疑案却接连发生……