回复 :《东京女子图鉴》改编自在《东京日历》上连载的同名四格漫画,电视剧版的导演由《百万元与苦虫女》的棚田由纪担当。水川麻美将演绎女主角绫从20多岁到40多岁的成长过程,绫从家乡来到东京工作生活,随着年龄的增长、生活环境的变化,她的人生也随时面临全新的挑战。本剧在惠比寿、银座等多个地标性的外景地取景,全方位展示一个真实的东京。
回复 :Helen West is a crown prosecutor who cares about people in the criminal justice system and seeks to ensure that justice is done. She has a particular interest in women's issues and has to put up with her somewhat odd superior and his cleanliness phobia. She recognizes that it's the role of the police to find the evidence but also feels it warranted to occasionally investigate matters herself. Unmarried, she is also in a relationship with Chief Supt. Bailey, though neither seem to be able to make up their minds about their futures or what they want to get out of life.
回复 :青木琴美漫画《属于你的我的初恋》将电视剧化,野村周平、樱井日奈子主演,尾崎将也(《不能结婚的男人》)编剧。故事围绕无法活到20岁的患病少年垣野内逞(野村周平饰)和心爱女孩种田茧(樱井日奈子饰)的情感展开。2009年井上真央、冈田将生主演该漫画改编的电影[我的初恋情人]。该剧明年一月开播。