回复 :爱奇艺出品、新浪微博联合出品的《热血街舞团》,由爱奇艺高级副总裁陈伟担任总监制,爱奇艺副总裁车澈担任总导演,音乐制作人刘洲出任节目音乐总监,同时节目组还邀请到著名舞美设计师唐焱担任视觉总监。
回复 :Britain, is an island. Surrounded by a cold and unforgiving sea. For centuries it protected us from attack. But to prosper and thrive, we would need to do more than hide behind her salt water shield. Britain needed brave men, willing to venture out into the unknown and she needed good boats to take them there. I've spent my life at sea. Now I'm going to take passage on six boats that together, tell the story of modern Britain. Built for exploration, war, fishing, industry and our very survival. These are the boats which built Britain, and changed the way we live - forever.
回复 :该节目将以北京广播电视台十位主持人和明星嘉宾一起探访北京十大郊区文化旅游品质目的地为主线,以直观立体的全景展示,边走边游的故事讲述,壮美秀丽的自然风光和特色鲜明的风土人情为吸引,让都市人走出小天地,走进大自然,用自己的眼睛读出北京的新变化,用自己的体验感受首都新生活。